Thursday, March 15, 2012

Saturday Morning Strol (12.5 mile)

Saturday Morning Stroll (12.5 mile)

12.5 miles marks my dad’s and my longest hike.  We started the hike from the top of our street and worked our way through the countryside and into town.  Since we were planning on heading through town I asked if we could make a few stops along the way…which was really cool.  After about 5 miles we stopped at the Family Video, usually a ten minute drive, and I got to rent a few videos, that I have wanted to see, for later during the weekend.  About a mile or so later we stopped at Veni’s Candy Shop to get my Mom a little treat….which truth be told…my dad and I ate most of…next time we will have to get more.  But we were trying to “Fuel as you go.”  And there’s nothing like some sweet chocolate to help a hiker stayed fueled up when you got 6 more miles to go.

I did notice that my last two weeks of lounging had an impact…and I found the last part of the hike tough.  I felt like all the conditioning I had been doing for the last few months was gone.  My legs were really aching during the last few miles of the hike.  No more taking time off from training…that’s for sure.  I have to admit, I had also not prepared for this hike like I usually do…kinda rushed the Hike Plan and didn’t really think through my gear and supply list very well.  Thankfully my dad had stashed away a few extra granola bars that helped a bit toward the end…but definitely wouldn’t have kept me going if this had been a marathon length hike.

Overall, it was a really good hike…and I learned a few things…like my dad is not just being a pain when he asks me if I have completed my hike plan a few days before a scheduled hike...or when he reminds me, after a hike, to replenish my pack supplies before I sit down to relax.  I kinda get it now…things are a bit more serious once you pass the 10 mile marker and you need to be ready and have your gear in order.

And even though I am not a big “Nap” fan…I really enjoyed taking that afternoon when we got home.  I am looking forward to our next hike at Grand Mere State Park.  It will be more on nature trails which I like more than roadway hikes.  It should be a lot of fun and it will be nice to see everyone in the hiking group again.

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